21 Affirmations: Igniting a positive mental reset


 Our realities are shaped by our beliefs, thoughts, words and actions. How can we govern these attributes of ourselves in order to manifest balanced and happy lives?

This book gives 21 affirmations and 7 principles that ignite positive beliefs, thoughts, words and actions in our daily lives. The affirmations and principles are delivered in a way that is easy for anyone to understand and to put into action.

Saying affirmations is a very effective way to reinforce our minds with positive thoughts, words, ideas, emotions and images. This is important because the life that you currently have is an accumulation of your thoughts, emotions, words and actions. The thoughts we choose to focus on determines how we feel, how we feel determines how we speak and act, and how we speak and act determines our entire reality. I wrote these affirmations during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown to help reinforce my mind positively in the midst of all the bad news and negative energy. It helped me to start my day with deliberate, powerful and encouraging thoughts that gave me a positive boost of energy to get through the day during the Lock down. Speaking positive affirmations works, regardless of what religion or faith you practice. It is very practical and consistent with how the human brain is designed to operate. The goal of sharing these 21 affirmations with the world is to encourage people to explore the power and benefits of deliberate and positive thinking, to inspire people to love themselves more and to trust in their own inner abilities.


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21 Affirmations and 7 principles for igniting positive thinking and living

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21 Affirmations: Igniting a positive mental reset

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